

Onderstaande tekst is onderdeel van de Hugh O`Flaherty Wikipedia pagina. 

Several others, including priests, nuns and lay people, worked in secret with O'Flaherty, and even hid refugees in their own private homes around Rome. Among these were the Augustinian Maltese Fathers Egidio Galea, Aurelio Borg and Ugolino Gatt, the Dutch Augustinian Father Anselmus Musters and Brother Robert Pace of the Brothers of Christian Schools..


Orde van het Britse Rijk 

Onder zijn christelijke doopnamen wordt Anselmus genoemd op deze Wikipedia pagina.

  • Antonius Hendrikus Musters, Priester, lid Rome Escape Line (MBE)

IHRA Conference - "Refugee Policies from 1933 until Today: Challenges and Responsibilities", 16-17 February 2017.

Panel 1: From the 1930s to 1945. Participants: Dr. Susanne Heim, Institute of Contemporary History, Munich– Berlin. (Topic: US and European responses), Dr. Johan Ickx, Holy See (Topic: The Holy See) & Prof. Dr. Avinoam Patt, University of Hartford (NGOs and International Organizations). Moderator: Father Norbert Hofmann S.D.B., Holy See.

Op deze conferentie verklaart Dr. Johan Ickx (namens The Holy See) dat Anselmus Musters lid was van de The Rome Escape Line. Deze verklaring begint ongeveer na 37 minuten.